Thursday 26 June 2014


For me doing a detox is as important as exercising. Cleansing from the inside out offers a chance to rid ourselves of the nasty toxins that affect our energy levels. Detoxing is not a new concept it dates back to 2000 BC. Now more than ever, more and more people are choosing to juice, fast or detox their bodies because they realise the health benefits and levels of wellbeing it brings.

Learning how to detox greatly improves our overall health. A body that is clear of toxins is healthy, vibrant, glowing and full of energy.

Our bodies are equipped with an amazing elimination system designed to handle toxic debris. Our main elimination systems are our skin, lungs, colon, liver and kidneys. Problems arise when there are too many toxins in our body and our elimination system becomes overloaded. When this happens toxins start to accumulate within, causing energetic imbalances, negative emotions and numerous health issues.

A buildup of toxins can gradually happen over time. With contributing factors like poor nutrition, environmental pollutants, chemicals in foods and personal products, daily stress, lack of sleep, toxic cleaning products and lack of self awareness, we forget what being healthy and clean really feels like. Yes we have a fantastic elimination system and it is understandable to think our bodies can cope naturally with these factors, yet with sugar quantities and additives in our food at an extremely high level, we simply cannot manage this level of toxicity. It is little wonder that within society today, there is a problem with obesity - we are clogged up big time.

Detoxing gives our digestive system a much needed rest. Many of us continually have food either in our mouths, our stomachs or in our intestinal tract. Our digestive system is continually at work and rarely gets a complete rest. Even when we are sleeping it is still working hard to break down the food we ate the previous day. Digestion uses lots of our energy and this is why we can feel tired after a large meal.

How do we detox? There are many ways to detox either through food, juices, water, supplements or my favourite using bentonite clay and psyllium husk. The bentonite clay absorbs toxic substances including bacteria, poisons, parasites, metal residues, chemicals, candida and other contaminants from the body. The psyllium removes mucoid plaque from the digestive system and colon by passing through the intestines and intestinal wall. Mix the 2 ingredients and drink it on an empty stomach, eat light foods like salads, watery soups or drink fresh juices and have at least 15 glasses of water per day. Doing an enema while detoxing enhances the whole process.

Body brushing helps flush out the lymphatic system and improves overall skin condition. Bathing in epsom salts with bicarbonate of soda also remove toxins. It is essential to make lots of time for yourself while you cleanse and be aware it works on a holistic level, detoxing the body, mind and emotions. The results are amazing, with added energy, clarity and wellbeing who could resist - give it a go! 

Thursday 12 June 2014

The S word…

I smile when I hear sexist comments and behaviour, not because I endorse it, simply because I have different outlook towards it.

I recently read an article in the New York times by Nicholas Kristof called She Gets No Respect, in which he talks about gender bias via the topic of hurricanes. A hurricane with a female name creates more damage in comparison to one with a male name. Bizarre topic I thought to myself until I viewed the reactions to the article - interesting indeed.

Having awareness of our gender bias, is a way to blast any preconceived ideas we hold about who may be the superior sex. When we consciously do this we reveal to ourselves the idea that everyone and everything is equal. Creating equality balances our energies and boost our chakras. How? Because each and everyone of us has equal amounts of feminine energy as well as masculine. When we hold sexist opinions, we hold limitations within and deny an aspect of ourselves. Why? Because our feminine energy is nourishing and intuitive and opens us up to the principles of receiving, whereas masculine energy is protective and providing and opens us up to the principles of giving. When we give we receive, we balance our yin and yang and create flow around our body.

Our masculine energy is our doing energy and is stored in the right hand side of our physical body. The first three chakras are governed by this active energy, so when we embrace it we align ourselves to abundance/security, beauty and strength. It does not matter if we are male or female, each gender holds this energy.

Our feminine energy is our still energy and is stored in the left hand side of our physical body. The top three chakras are governed by this passive energy so when we embrace it, we align ourselves to truth, guidance and peace. Again it is of no relevance whether we are male or female, the energy already exists within us.

We can be dominant in one energy masculine (giving) or feminine (receiving), yet the key to success is to create balance. With this understanding, how can we consciously choose to be sexist? It is detrimental to both ourselves and future generations to hold out date sexist ideals, they simply hold no relevance in todays living.

Whatever perceptions you may hold about the role of men and women, just remember you are a mixture of both energies. The next time you hear a sexist comment, brush it of because whoever is saying it, is in denial of themselves. Now isn't that refreshing?!


Thursday 5 June 2014


As a  little girl, I remember standing at my bedroom window looking at the night stars and singing twinkle twinkle little star to my angels. There was a strong belief then and still to this day; I believe in angels, oh yes I do.

Our angels deliver unconditional love, hope, protection and peace. They are always ready to help, guide us and bestow blessings our way. When we believe we will receive, it is as simple as that.

At the point of our conception we are appointed 2 or more guardian angels and their job is to help us to establish a beautiful time on earth. These unlimited celestial beings never stop working for our higher good, ridding us of worries, stress and all things unpleasant. All we need to do is ask for their help, open our hands and hearts to receive, then allow the miracles to unfold.

I feel blessed to have worked with some amazing spiritual teachers, and in 2005 I enrolled into angel camp in Glastonbury taught by Doreen Virtue. It was her last ever teacher training in the UK and boy it was life changing. I learned so much and everything began to fall into place. As I fully understood how my angels communicated to me, I forged a solid bond with them and at the same time opened up to many other spiritual deities and guides - my journey had begun. The location was beautiful as were the people and I forged some amazing friendships.

In 2006 I began to run angel workshops, helping many people understand how their angels communicated to them. A lot of people would think they needed to see their angels, yet most would feel them. There is not a right or wrong way to receive messages from our angels, finding our individual way works best. This takes commitment from ourselves however the reward is amazing and a definite must do. Never underestimate the power of angels.

Everyday since 2005 I have communicated with angels. It is an integral part of my life and their guidance has never let me down. I ask about everything, share my truth and diva demands then wait for them to work their magic. I trust that my needs are always met - I even find parking spaces just waiting for me. Opening up to their energy automatically creates an abundant flow around us - and that is a beautiful thing!

I learned to always ‘affirm what you desire’ and let go of controlling the outcome. Some of our greatest gifts are discovered in the strangest ways and that is when we know our angels are at work. When we try to control the outcome it blocks the whole process, so let go, let love and trust your angels.

Angelic energy has a way of filtering itself into the strangest situations, delivering love and wise words to those who need it. I laugh to myself at the amount of times angels have been mentioned in board rooms, events and corporate meetings I have attended- it is so refreshing.

Gone are the days of limiting my truth for fear of what others may think. I celebrate the connection I have with my angels. I accept the many blessings and opportunities that have been presented to me. I walk through the open doors and most of all, I offer love and gratitude to the endless service they give to me.

Like everything in life, it is a personal choice whether we choose to embrace our angels. Yet it is worth while to remember we all have angels who want to help us - all we need to do is ask!