Thursday 5 June 2014


As a  little girl, I remember standing at my bedroom window looking at the night stars and singing twinkle twinkle little star to my angels. There was a strong belief then and still to this day; I believe in angels, oh yes I do.

Our angels deliver unconditional love, hope, protection and peace. They are always ready to help, guide us and bestow blessings our way. When we believe we will receive, it is as simple as that.

At the point of our conception we are appointed 2 or more guardian angels and their job is to help us to establish a beautiful time on earth. These unlimited celestial beings never stop working for our higher good, ridding us of worries, stress and all things unpleasant. All we need to do is ask for their help, open our hands and hearts to receive, then allow the miracles to unfold.

I feel blessed to have worked with some amazing spiritual teachers, and in 2005 I enrolled into angel camp in Glastonbury taught by Doreen Virtue. It was her last ever teacher training in the UK and boy it was life changing. I learned so much and everything began to fall into place. As I fully understood how my angels communicated to me, I forged a solid bond with them and at the same time opened up to many other spiritual deities and guides - my journey had begun. The location was beautiful as were the people and I forged some amazing friendships.

In 2006 I began to run angel workshops, helping many people understand how their angels communicated to them. A lot of people would think they needed to see their angels, yet most would feel them. There is not a right or wrong way to receive messages from our angels, finding our individual way works best. This takes commitment from ourselves however the reward is amazing and a definite must do. Never underestimate the power of angels.

Everyday since 2005 I have communicated with angels. It is an integral part of my life and their guidance has never let me down. I ask about everything, share my truth and diva demands then wait for them to work their magic. I trust that my needs are always met - I even find parking spaces just waiting for me. Opening up to their energy automatically creates an abundant flow around us - and that is a beautiful thing!

I learned to always ‘affirm what you desire’ and let go of controlling the outcome. Some of our greatest gifts are discovered in the strangest ways and that is when we know our angels are at work. When we try to control the outcome it blocks the whole process, so let go, let love and trust your angels.

Angelic energy has a way of filtering itself into the strangest situations, delivering love and wise words to those who need it. I laugh to myself at the amount of times angels have been mentioned in board rooms, events and corporate meetings I have attended- it is so refreshing.

Gone are the days of limiting my truth for fear of what others may think. I celebrate the connection I have with my angels. I accept the many blessings and opportunities that have been presented to me. I walk through the open doors and most of all, I offer love and gratitude to the endless service they give to me.

Like everything in life, it is a personal choice whether we choose to embrace our angels. Yet it is worth while to remember we all have angels who want to help us - all we need to do is ask! 

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