Thursday 26 June 2014


For me doing a detox is as important as exercising. Cleansing from the inside out offers a chance to rid ourselves of the nasty toxins that affect our energy levels. Detoxing is not a new concept it dates back to 2000 BC. Now more than ever, more and more people are choosing to juice, fast or detox their bodies because they realise the health benefits and levels of wellbeing it brings.

Learning how to detox greatly improves our overall health. A body that is clear of toxins is healthy, vibrant, glowing and full of energy.

Our bodies are equipped with an amazing elimination system designed to handle toxic debris. Our main elimination systems are our skin, lungs, colon, liver and kidneys. Problems arise when there are too many toxins in our body and our elimination system becomes overloaded. When this happens toxins start to accumulate within, causing energetic imbalances, negative emotions and numerous health issues.

A buildup of toxins can gradually happen over time. With contributing factors like poor nutrition, environmental pollutants, chemicals in foods and personal products, daily stress, lack of sleep, toxic cleaning products and lack of self awareness, we forget what being healthy and clean really feels like. Yes we have a fantastic elimination system and it is understandable to think our bodies can cope naturally with these factors, yet with sugar quantities and additives in our food at an extremely high level, we simply cannot manage this level of toxicity. It is little wonder that within society today, there is a problem with obesity - we are clogged up big time.

Detoxing gives our digestive system a much needed rest. Many of us continually have food either in our mouths, our stomachs or in our intestinal tract. Our digestive system is continually at work and rarely gets a complete rest. Even when we are sleeping it is still working hard to break down the food we ate the previous day. Digestion uses lots of our energy and this is why we can feel tired after a large meal.

How do we detox? There are many ways to detox either through food, juices, water, supplements or my favourite using bentonite clay and psyllium husk. The bentonite clay absorbs toxic substances including bacteria, poisons, parasites, metal residues, chemicals, candida and other contaminants from the body. The psyllium removes mucoid plaque from the digestive system and colon by passing through the intestines and intestinal wall. Mix the 2 ingredients and drink it on an empty stomach, eat light foods like salads, watery soups or drink fresh juices and have at least 15 glasses of water per day. Doing an enema while detoxing enhances the whole process.

Body brushing helps flush out the lymphatic system and improves overall skin condition. Bathing in epsom salts with bicarbonate of soda also remove toxins. It is essential to make lots of time for yourself while you cleanse and be aware it works on a holistic level, detoxing the body, mind and emotions. The results are amazing, with added energy, clarity and wellbeing who could resist - give it a go! 

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