Thursday 12 June 2014

The S word…

I smile when I hear sexist comments and behaviour, not because I endorse it, simply because I have different outlook towards it.

I recently read an article in the New York times by Nicholas Kristof called She Gets No Respect, in which he talks about gender bias via the topic of hurricanes. A hurricane with a female name creates more damage in comparison to one with a male name. Bizarre topic I thought to myself until I viewed the reactions to the article - interesting indeed.

Having awareness of our gender bias, is a way to blast any preconceived ideas we hold about who may be the superior sex. When we consciously do this we reveal to ourselves the idea that everyone and everything is equal. Creating equality balances our energies and boost our chakras. How? Because each and everyone of us has equal amounts of feminine energy as well as masculine. When we hold sexist opinions, we hold limitations within and deny an aspect of ourselves. Why? Because our feminine energy is nourishing and intuitive and opens us up to the principles of receiving, whereas masculine energy is protective and providing and opens us up to the principles of giving. When we give we receive, we balance our yin and yang and create flow around our body.

Our masculine energy is our doing energy and is stored in the right hand side of our physical body. The first three chakras are governed by this active energy, so when we embrace it we align ourselves to abundance/security, beauty and strength. It does not matter if we are male or female, each gender holds this energy.

Our feminine energy is our still energy and is stored in the left hand side of our physical body. The top three chakras are governed by this passive energy so when we embrace it, we align ourselves to truth, guidance and peace. Again it is of no relevance whether we are male or female, the energy already exists within us.

We can be dominant in one energy masculine (giving) or feminine (receiving), yet the key to success is to create balance. With this understanding, how can we consciously choose to be sexist? It is detrimental to both ourselves and future generations to hold out date sexist ideals, they simply hold no relevance in todays living.

Whatever perceptions you may hold about the role of men and women, just remember you are a mixture of both energies. The next time you hear a sexist comment, brush it of because whoever is saying it, is in denial of themselves. Now isn't that refreshing?!


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